Growing up in the era we are in now, technology is a big part of society. It helps us navigate our way through life by keeping reminders, time or even basic communication between one another. However, the way it is helpful for me the most is in school. With research papers assigned every so often, I learned how to do a google advanced search and how to find a credible source to use as evidence or to back up my evidence. To help with researching even more, I have been able to learn how to annotate even on a computer. Internet edict is the most important however. As my peers and I grow older and start getting jobs, those jobs will look at everything we have ever posted online. Our teachers have showed us the do's and don'ts when it comes posting anything.
The science aspect in my core has been most definitely hands on and has improved my knowledge of cellular respiration, the digestive system and the heart. With this core bringing things in such as technology, it's not surprising that it's also a hands on learning. For example, when learning about the digestive system, my teacher brought in items that represented each organ and we step by step recreated it the process. Then, tying in technology, we documented it and wrote a blog called the Poop Lab. When learning about cellular respiration, we used cupcakes to resemble energy and turning it into ATP and with the heart, we did the movements like a dance. Going from the right atrium to the right ventricle into the left atrium to the left ventricle, turning oxygen into carbon and just going through the steps one at a time.
As for English, everything in the three classes tie together. Our English view on the core is incorporated when creating a profile online, going to farmers markets and of course, writing regular old fashion essays. Every other day, we will have an assignment on websites such as schoology, updating our digital notebooks about vocab from the book we're currently reading or interviews. Connecting with our unit on food and nutrition, we went to our local farmers market and asked them questions based on their farm and the type of things they grew. We expanded our knowledge on addressing adults and our professionalism.\
With all three classes walking hand in, flowing threw one another like a river, it makes it easier to be able to make connects through out everything we're learning. Such as how in English we'd be reading Omnivores Dilemma and it will be talking about GMOs and corn. Then in Science, we make our poop lab and then in technology, we'd have to research on the topic going back into English, we'd write a paper. All three classes complements one another making it easier to learn. Those are just a few examples of what I've learned in the last eight weeks.