English Notebook

Environmental Unit - Research Paper - 1st Paragraph
- Topic sentence clearly states topic
- states environmental problem you're focusing on
-no first or second person
-get to the point 
- use powerful vocabulary
-introduce quote; highlight the credibility of the source. 
-Introduce the MLA in-text citation . Authors last name or if there is no author, then the title of the web page.
- analyze/ explain quote in about 2-3 sentences. Pull research apart to show how it supports your topic. 
-conclusion: wrap up your main point.

"Little Song"

(Sonnet 116)

14 lines 

Look for the rhyme scheme:

-ab ab
-cd cd
-ef ef

First Quatrain (ab ab) - as a question/ present the problem 

Second Quatrain (cd cd) - develop the problem or explain the situation

Third Quatrain (ef ef) - *Turning point  
               * Usually at the beginning of quatrain 3

Couplet (gg) - 2 lines in a row that rhyme > resolution "take away"

Elizabethan Monarchy

  • Birth: September 7, 1533 - March 24, 1603 

She started ruling at age 25 and spent 44 years on the thrown. Her mother was beheaded by Elizabeth's father when Elizabeth was only 2.


  • famous statesman and politicians who acted as advisers to the queen led the government in england
  • 3 levels of gov
  • the Divine Right of Kings gave the Elizabethan monarch immense power and authority
  • disobeying the queen was considered treason

Queen Elizabeth Role

  • approves all laws 
  • decide religion of England ( could change religion at any time)
  • decide war issues
  • decided what clothes people wore and what kinds of foods people could eat
Branches of Government
  • Privy council
wealthy powerful nobles
highly intelligent men of the time
less than 20 members
all men where chosen by Elizabeth 

foreign policy
home policy
security and military matters

Star chamber

  • The primary function was to heat cases involving political issues
  • witnessed the most important trials of royalty and nobility between 1487 and 1614

  • consisted of nobalty and higher clergy 
  • the house of commons consisted of common people
  • 3 main function: legislation, advice, and taxation
  • gave the ability to vote taxation

The New Monarchy

  • King James didn't support the middle class as much as queen Elizabeth had 
  • unlike queen Elizabeth, king James had earls leading his government 
  • king James brought Scotland and England together 

                           England's position on the world stage during Queen Elizabeth's rule

Mary Stuart, queen

  • 1558 she married the future king Frances 2
  • she was raised catholic and was considered nu many to the rightful monarch of England
  • Elizabeth jailed her cousin in 1567 in connection with several assassinations 


  • England was made up of the UK, Scotland and the southern ireland
  • she thought the Ireland was an unwelcome inheritance
  • Ireland was divided culturally not English and Gaelic parts
  • There was a common legal system social and cultural institution that stretched  across the north channel into Scottish high lands


  • Spain was enemies with england because of religion 
  • Spain catholic England protestant


England lost rest of land to france
  • Fance was a threat because more powerful
  • Mary had been married to Francis 2, king of France
  • death led to mart returning to Scotland 
  • declared she was the hair and not elizabeth


  • under Spanish rule from 1580-1640
  • Portugal exploration led to the eastern spice trade and also led them to the new world
  • the explorers motives were wealth power more trade spreading Catholicism and expanding the spanish empire


  • Netherlander lost against spain
  • enemies with Spain but never came under rule

China: Ming Dynasty

  • The Ming leader were praised as the greatest leaders of old china 

                                                   Crimes and Punishment


  • held people awaiting punishment or trial
  • detention periods were very short
  • held witnesses in trial whose arrendance was doubtful

most common crimes

  • theft
  • begging
  • poaching (illigally hunting)
  • adultery
  • fraud
  • dicek-clogging (a game)


  • Burned to death at stake
  • lare 1700's government sought more humane ways for punishment
  • gung tgen cut alive
  • nobles birth hung untile completely dead
torture methods
  • excrucuating, painfull and extreme
  • Diveces: the Rack, The Scavengers, Daughter, The Collar, the iron maiden tbranding irons the wheel Thumb Screws

lower class crimes and punishments

  • punishment varied on degree of class and nobilities
  • common lower class crimes: adultery beffing poachinf fraud and theft 

Upper class
  • Murder
  • witchcraft
  • treason 
  • insulting 
  • questioing beliefs

punishments: hanging untill half dead, passed out or burned 

  • hanged alive in chains near the area of the murder (or fuest srrangled with a rope then chain

greatest punishment
  • drawing quardering 
  • being burned alive at the stake 
  • drawing and quardering 

                                      professions gender roles and social hierarchy

uper class
could afford all best stuff

woman could not go to schooling 

had to go ot schooling for mothering and taking care of house


highest of highest of upper class
had final say
hender affected saying woman could do stuff


threw parties
under manarch
states was being born in family
lord or last name


from lower class going into higher clss
gett through mony 

could afford bassic food and clothing 
lower could only buy wheat/bread and milk
women weren't allowed to enter schooling
only allowed to be merried
still single= witch

workers that had paying jobs
were litterat
commanded most of land
took care and lived on land

poor law made it for people to go in factory and work
got ride of homelessness

kid that couldn't have job= becoming apprentice

Acting and THeaters

go to theater because warm and entertainment

lower class weren't as extravigant

provided entertainment and a place to stau, preformed in inns

all commeners would go
plays centered on commen man


no respect low in job
not many wanted to do
Fame then=FAme now
woman not allowed to act

peopole acting didn;t get maony and only was was shares

more diverce addience

bodom= commener
middle= nobles
top= monarchy

Places were 2 hours long
lot of sonets

sonets are 24 line, short poem

writing poems

1: soft, white, easier to spread

2: harder, yellow, sticks to knife/ harder to spread
 stronger butter taste


1: thick, creamy
doesn't taste artificial
natural rich
creamy besides consistancy
smells like cream cheese

rotten sour
smells sour

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