Poop Lab
Steps on how to make poop:
Step one:
- Insert food into the mouth.
- Begin to chop up the food with your incisors and molars as posed with the scissors and cups.
- As you chew, the enzyme in your mouth, amylase, is slowly starting to break down the starch from the food in your mouth.
***FUN FACT***
The tongue has on average 3,000 - 10,000 taste buds.
Step two:
- Once you have crushed all the food between your incisors and molar proceed to swallow and send the chewed up food to the esophagus as the photo is mimicking with the paper towel and the students shoving down the food into the plastic bag.
- After the food goes down the esophagus, it leads out into the stomach.
***FUN FACT***
The esophagus is a pink moist muscular tissue called mucous that is 8 inches long.
Step three:
- As the food reaches the stomach, the stomach starts to contract to crush down the food as imitated with the students hands breaking it into smaller pieces.
- The following enzymes in the stomach consists of pepsin, lipase and HCI which help to chemically break down the food in the stomach.
- Once the food in the stomach is all crushed up, go ahead and send it straight down to the small intestine.
- Between the stomach and the small intestine, the food will spend about six to eight hours digesting.
- A plastic bag acted as the stomach because it has a seal and cannot spill out and with the amount of acid in your stomach, if were to leak out, would poison your body.
***FUN FACT***
When you blush, the walls of your stomach also turn red.
Step four:
- Once it has reached the small intestine, slowly start to contract mush of food.
- This is the stop where all the nutrient is taken in.
- As represented, the nylon stocking is used because it keeps all the solids in while letting the liquids drain out and soaked up by the pee pad.
- The enzymes that are in this part of the digestive system are bile, lipase, amylase, and pepsin which all help break down or turn into the nutrients your body needs.
- Now send it down to the large intestine and after that to the rectum.
***FUN FACT***
The small intestine is 7 meters long or 23 feet.
Step five:
- After just coming out of the large intestine, the "food" will begin the process contracting and this is where you will feel the need to go to the bathroom.
- While the rectum is not only contracting, it is also absorbing water.
- Next, push the "food" out from the anal. Now being out of the body, the proper term would now be feces.
***FUN FACT***
Feces is made out of all the things that your body does not need and is left over.
Additional Information
Constipation: The reason that one might be constipated is because the body, or the large intestine, is absorbing to much water. Therefore, this person will get backed up.
Diarrhea: The opposite goes for diarrhea. The body is not absorbing enough water.
coal is made through 3;000 years of heat and pressure
World was covered in swamps.
tree feel into swap. decomposed
types of coal:
peat: plant live that is decompoing
lignite: lignite is peat but is subjected to more heat and pressure
subbituminous/bituminous: same as bituminous except sunnitumunouus coal is sunjected to a little bit less heat and pressure than bituminous coal . This is used more than bituminous.
Anthracite: very little in world. takes longest to form. most efficient of all the other coals.
coal is primarily used for heat and electricity
amount of coal mind: 2,400,000 in 2015
1.7 billion tons of C02 is maid by burning coal
CArbomiferous period
Natural Gas
natural gas effects environment by global warming and ecocistom pollution by the process of fracking
fracking is hydrolic fracturing: push in water, break rocks
methane is natural gas
9% of methane that comes from the mines gets leak into the atomosphere.
Hydraulic Fracturing:
the process of extracting natural gas from mines via highlu presurized water
the water found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand and rocks.
The action of something becoming impure by pollution by pollution or poisoning
Oil is a fossil fuel meaning that over millions of years dead plants and animals turned into oil
Oil is collected by drills both on and off landoil is found in asprin crayon etc.
us collects 9.4 billion carrels of crude oil
Fossil fuel: over millions of years dead plants and animals turned into oil
Diatom: the majority of the plankton used in the formation of oil
Refind: the process of removing the sand acid and any other contaminatesBarrel: a unit of measurement 42 gallons
Encironmental impacts of Fossil fuels
Coal: leads to smog, acid rain, toxin in the encironment and air pollution
1/3 of america's c02 comes from coal fired power plants
Mercury, Arsenic, lead are bad that get let out.
Petroleum is burned: Carbon - global warming
sulfur- acid rain
nitrogen oxide- respiratory
GAS: Methane
used to make plastic products.
Fossil fuels are extracted from the earth and are millions of years old.
carbon can lost to 100-300 years
Air pollution: a mixture of solid partoc;es amd gases in the air that can contaminate the atmosphere
Global warming: the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and its oceans a change that is believed tho be permanently changong the eatth's climate
C02 Emission: the production and discharge of something especially gas or radiation
Fossil fuels
foddil fuels are formed over hundreds of million of years
CErtain conditions created different types
intense pressure, high heat, time (million of years)
Fossil fuels are nonrenewable because they cabbut be replenished in a human lifetime
equivalent of 11 billion tons of oil in fossil fueld per year in us
4 billion tons of oil every yeat
we are exxpected to run out of most fossil fuels by 2088
Why we're not using clean energy: energy uield is much lower than fossil fuels
renewable resource: a substance that can be replenished just as fast as it is being drawn out and used
Energy efficiency: the corresponding amount of energy produced by a given amount of fuel.
Clean energy sources: an energy that does not pollute the atmosphere when used: solar, wind turbines, biomass, tidal energy, geothermal
we can stop using fossile fuel right now but we don't because we love money.
there is no perfect energy source.
renewables: wind, solat, hydro
Non renewables: oil, natural gas, coal, nuclear
every single energy source is flawed
Export: when sell stuff over seas
Fossil Fuels: natural gas
Energy dependence: no longer needed to import fuels
Whats in it: Macroscopic
-Ponds are stagnant
-No movement
-184 different bacteria in a pond
E. coli
source: fecal contamination
symptoms: fever, diarrhea, rarely stroke or kidney failure
source: fecal contamination; 1 in warm animals
Symptoms: fever, diarrhea and vomiting
Chlorine and Lead in Tap Water
Where does tap come from?
- Rivers, sewers, ponds, and ground
-2% potable
How filtered
-Water comes from houses and filtered
- toxic, irritant. pale green gas
-kills bacteria and microbiological organisms
how effects:
- reacts with other chemicals
-low level of harm
-color starts blue then turns black when touches air
-never safe
-goes into water through piping in house: mainly in older houses
-soft or corrosive
- air pollution
- soil
-moves through the ecosystem
-organ damage: stops brain growth
pH and the Ocean
- Normal rang is 8.0-8.4
-Environment can effect pH level
-pH strips are a strips of the filter paper soaked with pH indicator
Vocab word: Acids: a molecular or other entity that
Base: a molecule that accepts protons
Why change color?
- Acids /base either accepts or donate hydrogen ion
How relates to environment
- Damages reproductive disorders in fish
-Past 300 million years pH has been 8.2, now 8.1
-Oceans absorbs CO2 and turns into carbonic acid, lead to higher acidity
Ecology Vocab
Ecology: The study of how living things interact with each other and their environment.
Ecosystem: All living and non living things in an area and their interactions.
Abiotic Factor: Any part of an ecosystem that isn't alive or has never been alive.
Biotic Factor: The part of the ecosystem that is alive.
Adaptation: A characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment.
Biome: A plant and animal community that covers a large part of the earth
Detritivore: An organism (as an earth worm or a fungus) that feed on dead and decomposing matter.
Community: A group of organism living together in a certain area
Consumers: An organism that survives by eating producers or other consumers in it's ecosystem.
Carnivore: An organism that only eats other consumers.
Deforestation: The cutting down and clearing of a forest land - will usually lead to increase soil erosion in this area.
Helicase >enzyme>protein
broken strain is lagging
holding strain is leading
1. chromosomes
2. Double Helix
3. Anti-parallel
DNA Notes
- all living things have DNA
- DNA is found in the Nucleolus
-DNA is chromosome
-DNA is a molecule
FFour that make up our body: Carbohydrates -glucouse
Nucleic Acids -DNA/RNA
DNA: Double helices
Never see 2 purens
Brain anatomy- parts of the brain
Brainstem (September)
Controls of flow of actions from the brain to the rest of the body
Cerebellum (September)
Receives information from sensory systems
Cerebrum (Makenzie)
It is the largest part of human brain and it is divided into four parts.
Right brain (Makenzie)
The right brain coordinates the left side of the body and creates creativity and arts.
Frontal Lobe (Jordan)
Controls cognitive skills like emotional expression, problem solving, and memory
Sensory Strip
A band of neurons in your cerebrum or cerebral cortex that controls the 5 senses.
The medulla oblongata helps regulate breathing, heart and blood vessel function, digestion, sneezing, and swallowing. This part of the brain is a center for respiration and circulation. Sensory and motor neurons (nerve cells) from the forebrain and midbrain travel through the medulla.
The part of the brainstem that links the medulla oblongata and the thalamus.
Occipital (Alyssiana Hugel)
One of the four major lobes, that is responsible for your vision.
(Alyssiana Hugel)
Three membranes that cover the spinal cord and the brain. The three membranes are dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater.
The thalamus is responsible for the sleep and wake cycle
The temporal lobe is mostly responsible for hearing
attached to the wall of the body or of a body cavity or hollow structure.
Hypothalamus (josh)
a region of the forebrain below the thalamus that coordinates both the autonomic nervous system and the activity of the pituitary, controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, and other homeostatic systems, and involved in sleep and emotional activity.
Pituitary gland
Controls hormones in the body and triggers puberty in the body so that it may grow to it’s full adult form
Pineal gland (erika)
Small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. The pineal gland produces melatonin, a serotonin derived hormone which modulates sleep patterns in both circadian and seasonal cycles.
Broca’s Area (erika)
region in the frontal lobe of the left hemisphere of the brain with functions linked to speech production.
Iron Chef Lab
When my teacher put out 5 boxes out on tables, 5 groups went head to head fighting over which box they wanted. Each were filled with goodies such as corn, pesticides, and soda. My team sadly was the last group to choose so we got stuck with strawberries. Our job was to come up with a lab that has to do with organic and conventional strawberries.
When trying to come up with a great lab that has to do with strawberries, we noticed that the original strawberries were starting to mold. With that in mind, we thought, why not figure out if different types of fungus grow and the to different types of strawberries since on has a lot of pesticides and the other doesn't.
Making Agar:
With the idea we had in mind, we needed a way to help speed the molding process along so we made agar. The process to making agar is very short and simple.
First we measured out the water and how many agar tablets we needed.
We then added the crushed up powder mix to the water and put it on a hot plate to warm and create the agar as shown in the photo on the right .
To give more options in our lab not only did we make regular agar but we also made potato starch agar. After making them both, we then pored them into the little dishes.We then waited till our next class when the agar had cooled. We then got cotton swabs and swabbed the strawberry and then rubbed the cotton into the agar. In our lab we marked each one with the type of agar, what type of strawberry and how many weeks we would check it at.
We created a total of 12 dishes:
- 1 regular agar swabbed with organic strawberries
marked at 1 week
- 1 regular agar swabbed with organic strawberries
marked at 1.5 weeks
- 1 regular agar swabbed with conventional agar marked
at 1 week
- 1 regular agar swabbed with conventional agar marked
at 1.5 weeks
- 1 regular agar no swab marked at 1 week
- 1 regular agar no swab marked at 1.5 weeks
- 1 P.D.A agar swabbed with organic strawberries
marked at 1 week
- 1 P.D.A agar swabbed with organic strawberries
marked at 1.5 weeks
- 1 P.D.A agar swabbed with conventional agar marked
at 1 week
- 1 P.D.A agar swabbed with conventional agar marked
at 1.5 weeks
- 1 P.D.A agar no swab marked at 1 week
- 1 P.D.A agar no swab marked at 1.5 weeks
And with that, we waited by putting it in the incubator till it was time to stain and see what kind of mold it grew.
Staining Process:
When the week had gone by to check on our first batch we started staining.
-- The first step was to swab the bacteria that started growing and rub it in with water on a slide.
-- We then heated it up enough to make the bacteria stick to the slide.
-- After that we would then stain it with a blue dye. We waited about a minute and then rinsed it off with water.
-- We then added droplets of iodine and waited about 30 seconds and also rinsed it off with water.
-- After that we then added ethanol and rinsed it off with water as quickly as possible.
Once it was dry we were then able to look at it under a microscope. We would repeatably did this every class and tried to keep on schedule.
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There were many interruptions that disturbed our lab that might have made a difference.
- Something got into our non swabbed dishes and contaminated our project.
- We didn't always wear gloves when we should have such as when we stained the bacteria.
- The incubator we had placed our bacteria in we turned off when we were not there by another class.
- Our bacteria was in the same incubator with several other things such as raw meat, other bacteria from phone, finger and several other surfaces.
- We were not always able to check on our projects the exact day we needed to because of a short class period or our certain class not landing on the correct day.
Poop Lab
Steps on how to make poop:
Step one:
- Insert food into the mouth.
- Begin to chop up the food with your incisors and molars as posed with the scissors and cups.
- As you chew, the enzyme in your mouth, amylase, is slowly starting to break down the starch from the food in your mouth.
***FUN FACT***
The tongue has on average 3,000 - 10,000 taste buds.
Step two:
- Once you have crushed all the food between your incisors and molar proceed to swallow and send the chewed up food to the esophagus as the photo is mimicking with the paper towel and the students shoving down the food into the plastic bag.
- After the food goes down the esophagus, it leads out into the stomach.
***FUN FACT***
The esophagus is a pink moist muscular tissue called mucous that is 8 inches long.
Step three:
- As the food reaches the stomach, the stomach starts to contract to crush down the food as imitated with the students hands breaking it into smaller pieces.
- The following enzymes in the stomach consists of pepsin, lipase and HCI which help to chemically break down the food in the stomach.
- Once the food in the stomach is all crushed up, go ahead and send it straight down to the small intestine.
- Between the stomach and the small intestine, the food will spend about six to eight hours digesting.
- A plastic bag acted as the stomach because it has a seal and cannot spill out and with the amount of acid in your stomach, if were to leak out, would poison your body.
***FUN FACT***
When you blush, the walls of your stomach also turn red.
Step four:
- Once it has reached the small intestine, slowly start to contract mush of food.
- This is the stop where all the nutrient is taken in.
- As represented, the nylon stocking is used because it keeps all the solids in while letting the liquids drain out and soaked up by the pee pad.
- The enzymes that are in this part of the digestive system are bile, lipase, amylase, and pepsin which all help break down or turn into the nutrients your body needs.
- Now send it down to the large intestine and after that to the rectum.
***FUN FACT***
The small intestine is 7 meters long or 23 feet.
Step five:
- After just coming out of the large intestine, the "food" will begin the process contracting and this is where you will feel the need to go to the bathroom.
- While the rectum is not only contracting, it is also absorbing water.
- Next, push the "food" out from the anal. Now being out of the body, the proper term would now be feces.
***FUN FACT***
Feces is made out of all the things that your body does not need and is left over.
Additional Information
Constipation: The reason that one might be constipated is because the body, or the large intestine, is absorbing to much water. Therefore, this person will get backed up.
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