Vocabulary Notes

Vocab for Shakespeare's Sonnets 18 & 116

Temperate - Describes the climate as mild or modern; not extreme (adj)

Lease - a period of temporary ownership (noun)

Complexion - the skin and features of the face (noun)

Declines - to move in a downward direction (verb) - aging

Untrimmed - made or left plain, unadorned or disorderly (adj) - appearance

Impediments - things that block or get in the way (noun) - Obstacles

Alters: makes different without completely changing (verb) - adjust clothing (jeans)

Tempests - strong or severe storm (noun)

Bark - a small boat (noun)

Compass - Range, usually expressed in a curved or circular pattern (noun)

Poetic Devices
Internal Rhyme - a rhyme involving a word in the middle of a line and another at the end of the line or in the middle of the next (noun)

Vocab 1

Word                                            Definition                                     Example

Immerse (v)
To involve deeply; absorbed
Being really into a book
Forage (v)
To wander or go in search of provisions.
Looking for food in forest
Alchemy (n)
Turning something of no value into something of value.

Conscious (adj)
Fully aware of something or sensitive to something.
Aware of surroundings when out and about.
Karmic (n)
Action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation
Bull fighter being impaled by bull´s horn.
Ingenuity (n)
The quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful: inventiveness
Folly (n)
The state or quality of being foolish.
Folly Architecture
Confinement (n)
The state of being confined, shut up, or keeped in; prevent from leaving because of imprisoned, illness, disciplined
Unprecedented (adj)
Without previous instant; never been known or experienced before; unexampled or unparallel   
9/11; no one has ever experienced this before
Fauna (n)
Animals of a particular place or particular region; period considered as a whole

Opaque (adj)
Doesn't let light in; something to hard to understand
Car´s tinted windows
Ignorant (n)
The state or fact of being ignorant; not knowing something

Fleeting (adj)
Passing swiftly/quickly
Youth, beauty
Stake (n)
A monetary (money) or commercial interest, investment share or involvement in something
Give a company money to get started.
Algreculter (n)
The science, the art, the ocupation of either cultivsting the land, raiseing crops, feeding, breeding, raising livestock; farming

Vocab 2

Words                                         Definition                                     Example
Atavistic (adj)
Related to or characterized by returning to something ancient.
Birds beaks reverting to the ways they were shaped in ancient times.
Cornucopia (n)
Plenty; a horn containing food/drinks; a symbol of abundance

Intrepid (adj)
Resolutely fearless; dauntless
A male lion, not afraid of anything
Omnivore (n)
One that eats all, both plants and animals.
Humans, bears
Distinction (n)
Recognizing or seeing and taking notes between differences
Bathroom signs at restaurants. Woman from men.
Terrestrial (adj)
Anything that represents the earth. Distinct from other planets or land from water.
Water turtles and land turtles
Anthropologist (n)
Person who specializes in the study of human beings
Anthro- greek root meaning human
Ology- the study of
Predispose (v)
To give an inclination or tendency to do something beforehand.
Do well in school because you like to read.
Prodigious (adj)
Extraordinary in size
A mountain
Existential (adj)
Pertaining to the state of existing or being

Inevitable (adj)
Unable to be avoided or escaped
Death and taxes
Unassailed (adj)
Not attacked or assaulted
Paradox (n)
A statement that contradicts itself but could also be true

Having an old fashion attractiveness or charm
A cottage
Apotheosis (n)
The elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god.
Brook to Josh

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